Political Action Committee

About the MPA PAC
The Mesquite Police Association Political Action Committee (MPA PAC) is a committee of the Mesquite Police Association (MPA). The PAC is responsible for determining the political endorsements of the MPA per the constitution of the MPA.
Membership in the PAC is strictly voluntary and no member of the MPA is required to join this committee or remain a part of this committee. Any MPA member who makes monthly financial contributions to the PAC is considered a committee member. All committee member are provided with an opportunity to vote on political endorsements in person during PAC Meetings.
The elections in which the committee may choose to participate include local and state elections. The PAC cannot endorse in federal elections.
The PAC will endorse candidates without regard to political party affiliation. The PAC will also act independently of any group with which the MPA is affiliated. No individual may make an endorsement of any candidate on behalf of the MPA or the MPA PAC.
Texas Ethics Commission Reporting
The PAC Treasurer is required to file monthly reports with the Texas Ethics Commission. Anyone who wishes to view the financial information of the PAC can do so on the Texas Ethics Commission website by searching the PAC’s filer ID of 00015488.
2023 City Council Endorsements
Mayor: Dan Aleman
District 1: Jeff Casper
District 2: Kenny Green
District 3: Jennifer Vidler
District 4: Tandy Boroughs
District 5: B.W. Smith
District 6: Brandon Murden